Sunday, April 24, 2005


[Dishwalla - Every Little Thing]

before you carry on reading.. for those
who don't want to read about me
complaining.. please feel free to leave
this space..

for don't know how many consecutive
weekends.. I'm stuck in the house in
the day.. only to be able to go out
during the night.. for this.. people who
doesn't know what's going on.. will
think that I'm party freak.. which I'm
seriously not..

I'm not running away from the fact
that it's my share of responsibility
to take care of my dad.. I don't mind
staying at home to look after him..
but why can't he do the same too??
whereas my mum and sister are
busy with their work.. there are
seldom weekends that are available
for people who work in sales.. I do
understand this.. as I've done that
before.. but why is he an undergrad..
who got so much of time.. rather go
out spending time with his friends..
attending mass at the church when
he isn't even a full fledge Christian???

why can't he give some time for the
family?? given that our dad is not
in the best of health now??

I'm not complaining that I don't have
time for me to go out.. some of my
weekends are spend entirely at home
in the past too.. but why can't he be
a little more responsible towards our

honestly speaking.. I don't put much
hope on him to take care of our
parents in the future.. his attitudes
towards recent happenings really
can predict it all.. it's a fact that is
not only made by myself..

if anyone of you wanted to drown me
with those philosopy of looking at the
bright side of life.. or any of such..
don't even bother to.. because philosopy
never feeds a hungry person.. and you
are lucky to be not in my shoe.. lastly..
I'm always looking at the bright side
of life.. so bright that.. I almost gone
blind looking at it.. so bright.. that I
can't even see what lies ahead of me..

if grudges can transform into another
source of energy.. the world might not
face insufficient energy fuel in times
to come..

hmm.. 4.30pm.. shall use this remainder
time for the weekend to rearrange all
my drawers and cupboards.. it's getting
messy again.. =D

TaKe CaRE!!

walkingtarts awake and ranted on 4/24/2005 04:03:00 PM
Sunday, April 17, 2005


[Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning]

send out my resume recently.. in
search for a new job.. hoping to
find one that is nearer to home..
in the other hand.. I'm hoping
that an attractive offer to come
only after July.. where I will be
able to get my mid-year bonus
before making my way out of
the company.. greediness huh?
who don't?

changed my MSN nick.. had too
much people asking me why am
I lost and aimless.. and this time
round.. I use this..
[N][S][T] : WhAt CaN i dO tO MaKE mE HaPpY..??
there are really too much things
going on around me.. and I can't
possibly putting my hand on
everything.. which I wish I could
sometimes.. not everytime..

my right knee seems stronger
now.. even though there are still
some difficulties in some basic
movements that I've to go
through daily.. they had become
much easier and less pain as what
could be a couple of months back..
really glad that the ligament is
recuperating well.. =)

really misses those running down
the concrete court every Sunday
morning.. the joys of friendship
bonding during games.. the laughs
of a silly move.. the desire to score
and win the game.. really missed
these days.. give me another few
more months to access my knee..
I really wish to be back in action
again.. life is never the same again
after that freak accident.. =

hmm.. been quite held up lately..
thus, infrequent updates here..
whole week was pretty smooth..
the freedom to work without the
tyrant in charge.. but not for the
coming week.. he's back.. there
goes my just found freedom..

meet up with Ah Wee, Adeline,
Mei, Leonard, Suzie and XingZhi
for dinner at Bugis.. decided on
Swenson.. had baked rice.. my
particular favourite dish there..
Benson joined us shortly after..
walk over to Banquet situated at
Raffles Medical Group building..
intend to have coffee at Ya Kun..
but it was closed.. made our way
down to Selegie Road after Benson
had his dinner.. had the famous
soya beancurd for dessert..

meet up with them again for
supper at Prata Place on Friday..
with inclusion of GuoYao this
time round.. besides, I'll only be
able to join them after 10pm..
as I have to stay at home to look
after my dad.. although he had
discharge from the hospital.. it
is always better to have someone
around to look after him.. in case
he need to get something heavy..
there is someone available to
help him to it.. went Seletar Dam
after that.. chit chat.. Heng joined
us.. GuoYao in his usual crappy
mood.. crapping away..

meet them again for dinner on
Saturday at Marche.. the one
at Heeren.. went Cosy Bay after
dinner.. just slacked the time
away.. not everyone are in the
mood to anything else.. I guess..

might be joining them for dinner
again later.. planning to go
Whampoa for fish steamboat..
no response from most of them
yet.. not surprising actually.. sure
to be taking their afternoon nap..

update again when I'm free..

TaKe CaRE!!

walkingtarts awake and ranted on 4/17/2005 04:07:00 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2005


[exhausted.. yet relieved..]

hopefully there will be no more hospital
trips in near future.. speaking of that..
I'm going for my physiotheraphy this
coming Wednesday.. -_-"

unknown to many.. as I don't think it's
something to spread about.. it's just
that my dad was admitted into the
hospital again.. the second time since
Good Friday.. this time is due to
anxiety.. it was really lucky that it
wasn't as serious as the first.. anyway..
he is home now.. as the doctor had give
him the go ahead after thorough medical
examination.. really ease my mind a
little.. also means I can don't need to
make my way down all the way from
Boon Lay to Outram daily anymore..

somehow or rather.. I'm quite
disappointed with my brother.. for
being so.. nevermind.. if he choose to
do what he want.. there's nothing I
can do also.. he is not a kid anymore..

quite a number of people were asking
about my MSN nick recently.. due to
the totally lost and aimless that I've
place beside my name.. I'm pretty
fine actually.. during certain stage of
life.. people will tend to feel this way
after they had been through certain
situations.. the reason I didn't remove
it for the past couple of weeks.. perhaps
will be staying on for quite some time
too.. is because.. I want to keep it as
a reminder to myself.. until I really
figure out the answer to my questions
in my mind.. any guiding light that I'll
need along the way.. possibly will only
be mine own.. helps from others will
indeed make the path easier.. but it's
better to find my own way.. as there's
no other person that really knows me
better than myself.. am I wrong?? =p

well.. sometimes.. I don't really know
myself well too.. contradicting hur?
hahaha.. that's me.. for being indecisive..
contradicting.. and procrastinating..
isn't indecisive and procrastinating
about the same meaning?? =p

ah.. weekend.. other than fetching my
dad home from hospital.. I meet up
with Ah Wee (finally back from Udon
Thani..), Adeline, Benson, Mei, Leonard,
Suzie and Heng to go XingZhi's family
fish farm for BBQ.. pretty enjoyable
evening.. perhaps it's partly because
of the earlier matter.. ease my mind..
Ah Wee and Benson bought new phone
earlier.. Motorola Razr V3.. cool isn't it?
everyone is changing for better phones..
am I going to change one too?? if only
I got the ability to change one now..
facing the fact.. I should be happy with
what I'm having now.. although I've a
liking for O2 XDA II Mini.. another cool
gadget on market lately.. but it has kind
of irk me a little.. as there were so many
people around my company holding this
PDA phone.. hmm.. someone is just being
a little jealous over here.. (hey.. I'm just
another ordinary guy ok..?)

as I've already said about my financial
management in the earlier post.. I've to
start from scratch to learn to save up
more.. in order to acquire whichever
liabilities that itches my heart.. =p
or perhaps I should stop reading up
on new gadgets.. hahaha..

well.. time for dinner.. someone just
told me that having dinner after 9pm
will get fat.. hahaha.. well.. it's more
likely that we should not have my
dinner at least 3 hours before I turn
in.. so that my body have sufficient
time to digest my food.. =)

sounds logical?? knowledgable?? =D
that's for reading up on facts that are
interesting and useful frequently..

I need to find my guiding light..
who can lend me a matchstick?

Take CaRE!!

walkingtarts awake and ranted on 4/10/2005 08:15:00 PM
Sunday, April 03, 2005


[Natalie Imbruglia - Torn]

couldn't find time to update this little
space of mine lately.. was quite held
up by some personal matters..

first and foremost.. a big thank you
to those who shower me with your
concerns over the week, upon
knowing my dad admitted in the
hospital.. he is alright now.. was
discharge on Wednesday afternoon
after going through Angio-PTCA
stent implant on Monday morning..
please don't ask me about the
medical term.. I'm not pretty sure
what it means too.. =p

making my way to hospital from my
home to hospital since Good Friday
is becoming a routine for me.. lucky
for me.. as I'm extracting my wisdom
tooth.. I need not take leaves from my
work.. using the MC i get to cover them..

a sudden crisis like this.. makes me
understand how vunerable a person I
am.. how bad I am in my management
of personal assets.. makes me wonder
what am I doing.. what I am going to do
about it.. many things run into my mind
again.. felt so helpless at times.. but not
easily beaten off by the obstacles.. got
to be strong..

what's the fastest thing on earth? well..
it got to be rumours.. giving it a bad
name isn't any thing wrong.. I hate it
when people try to discord between
people.. I hate it even more when it's
some relatives of mine that started it..
I sincerely wish that their life won't be
cut short by the deeds that they've
done over the years.. but to lengthen
instead.. damn.. I'm so evil.. =p

had dinner with Willy, Patrick and
Chee Wee last night at Clementi..
when to this Japanese restuarant
that sell affordable meals.. kind of
like those price we pay in food
courts.. had Tori Katsu Don.. given
the price that we paid.. the quality
isn't that bad.. cannot compare with
those high end restuarant we find
in town though.. at least it's as
authentic as it could be.. but the
free flow of Japanese Green Tea is
quite troublesome.. as I've to refill
my cup personally.. having to walk
all the way to the dispenser and back
to my seat to continue my meal each
time my cup is empty.. no wonder the
rest of them only have 1 cup..

as the 3 of them went KBox to curb
their karaoke addiction.. I went down
to Mohd Sultan to meet up with my
friends.. suppose to meet 9.30pm
outside Double O.. quite unsurprisingly..
I received a sms from Heng that Guo
is still not ready yet.. waited for
them outside Tivoli Bar.. watching the
soccer match.. for almost an hour..

queue for the entry.. Heng, Guo Yao,
Mei and Heng's friend Ivy.. meet up
with Adeline inside.. didn't quite catch
the names of her friends.. wasn't really
in mood.. Leonard and Suzie joined us
moment after.. make a little mistake
with our order.. suppose to order 5
pairs of Magarita Shot.. but somehow
it become 10 pairs.. leaving us with
20 shots on the table.. kind of joke with
them about the curse I'm having at
that time.. can't seems to make myself
drunk having sank 4 Magarita Shot,
2 Tequila Shot.. 1 Bacardi Breezer and
1 Tequila Pop.. not forgetting the 5 or
6 Jugs of Volka whatever that we've
shared.. two beat musics.. cheap liqours..
roving lights.. swaying bodies.. typical
scene of clubbing.. just wasn't in mood
to enjoy.. can't find the rhythm to move
myself with the music.. can't possibly
making the music to move with me mah..
had Wan Ton Mee before heading home..
unable to sleep.. feeling wide awake..
stay up watching TV till 6 in the morning..
catch some sleep before the start of
another day..

feeling aimless and lost..

planning for a day is easy.. but to plan for
a whole lifetime is tedious..

I'm fine..

TaKe CaRE!!

walkingtarts awake and ranted on 4/03/2005 04:44:00 PM
Saturday, April 02, 2005


Your Love Style is Agape

You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.

walkingtarts awake and ranted on 4/02/2005 12:00:00 PM
a simpleton who dislike living within normalcy.


Artiste: Mono
Song Title: Life In Mono


- Mr Miyagi -
- Mr Brown -
- Bounce Back To Life -
- Insane Polygon -
- Kenny Sia -
- Stuck In Customs -

recent posts
  • day zero ended..
  • don't understand..
  • torn and tattered..
  • life in mono..
  • Hey.. I'm on Tee-Bee..!!!
  • 只要这么简单就好。。
  • so far away..
  • need directions..
  • 你(我)不是真正的快乐

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    Editor: nST
    Base Codes: detonatedlove
    Image: abduzeedo
    Engined by: blogger